
Monday, October 29, 2012

The Bush Walk

One day my friends and I decided to take a bush walk because we had nothing to do but stay home and play on the computer. So Henry said ‘hurry up I can’t wait’, then we packed our lunch and we were ready to go.

As we were walking we noticed night came fast everything was so dark till we heard a noise like a ZOMBIE!!!!! So we ran as fast as we called then we stopped. Then Tame turned on his phone light then all we saw was zombie’s surrounding us.

So the only thing we called do was call the zombie hunters. But they were too late as Tame died bye wandering off so we decided to have his funeral the day after.

But now the zombie hunters arrived with all their assault rifles they managed to kill them all. Till a giant zombie came. So they grabbed everything they had and ganged up on  the giant and that was over.

Now that is why you never go for a bush walk without guns and a flash light. So that was the day we called never forget tame. So everything was solved including tames death.

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