
Friday, October 17, 2014

Term 4

Every term an immersion assembly is held just at the start. We have been doing this since I think this school was made. We also did this to show what our topic is. Our topic is ART ATTACK. When we went to assembly I saw art playing on the projector. It was amazing people were doing art on the computer it looks realistic.

The items started to explain what our topic was going to be about. It was team 1’s turn to explain what they are doing. I can't remember most of it but they did say they would be going down a river, I think having a picnic thats all that I could remember.

I could’nt remember any of them except team 5 theres was the best they started to paint upside down no one knew what was. What but I started to see someones face upside down. There were three paintings as soon as the flipped it they had painted Mr Jacobson,Mrs Jarman and Mr Burt.

That was the best immersion assembly if I could remember the rest I would tell you.

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