
Monday, September 10, 2012

New Zealand's Got Talent 2012

Guess what happend on Sunday? New Zealand’s got talent!
When I watched it, it was pretty fascinating. My mind was blown away by the first act but it was mostly funny. The first act came out funny with a drum kit and a trumpet. and when he started to bang his head and you could hear a loud BANG!!!!!! but in the end he did not go on to the next round.

The next act were the jgeeks but I will name them the maori boys. When they performed they were good they had a different mix of songs but my favourite song was red red wine. But then they danced in front of the judges and the past.

My favourite was a man who broke one of the judges hearts by singing her husband song.
As he sang he brang joy to the house and tears. but mostly broke Rachel Hunter's heart.
she liked the version that he sang and it was beautiful.

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